Teleport to random player with Hercboost Keymap 5 Minute Forest Ultra Fireworks Switcheroo Damage Assessment (Tells how many of your opponent's weapons and components you destroy as you destroy them) Wacky Buildings (Shoot structures to randomly move, rotate, & tilt them) List which players in the server are alive and which are dead "MR. SERVER" randomly picks how many points you get for killing or dying Floating Turret Guard (Everyone gets a turret guard above their head when they spawn) Super Speed Mode Targeting computer advisor (When you target someone, you will recieve advice based on player scores) Add new drop points in-game Team Colored Arrows (Makes colored arrows above vehicles when they spawn) Create a tombstone when a player is killed (Complete with epitaph) Random meteor showers Teleport all players in the server near your vehicle Auto-team evener (TDM) Auto team evener (CTF) List the name, squad, & team of all players in the server Redrop yourself at another drop point Scrolling text on your HUD Make it rain Add some stars Reset the scoreboard Widescreen mode Limit missle boating (Set the max number a missle racks allowed per vehicle) Prompt all players in the server to go to the wait room along with a custom text message More shapes to create in-game Change the name of your server while playing Make your server name tell the time of day (Updated every 5 seconds) Make your server name tell the squads of people in your server Stats tracker (Shows kills/deaths by certain player when you scan them) Moon Jump Add more punch to your weapons Shoot meteorites from your vehicle to all other player's vehicles Shoot meteorites to your vehicle from all other player's vehicles Shoot a ring of meteors from your vehicle when you scan someone Make your vehicle flash different colors Make all player's vehicles flash different colors Make your flyer take-off when you spawn Create an AI herc Clone an AI replica of your herc GLOBAL MUTE (This will stop any .wav files playing instantly) Ban Inviso Predators (The most common kind anyway) Ban up to 6 vehicles in-game Ban up to 10 weapons in-game Global Heal/Reload Rainbow Seizure Looping Rainbow Seizure Heal Lottery Random Lightning Strikes Make it snow Change everyone's music Fade to Black Make SFX every 30 seconds Kill someone in the server Write information about players in your server to SERVER INFO.txt (Name, squad, IP) Send Priority Messages When anyone spawns, make them say strange things Easy Map Change Meteor Man Teleport someone to your nav Teleport to your nav Slash Detection script One hit kills Echo Taunts Auto Taunt Repeater Creating shapes while in game Delete structures when shot by a certain person Makeshift Tractor Beam script My Lifeforce script (Transfer health & ammo from scanner to scanned) Make a fake player named bunny... When player spawns, he says his name & squad Team change (Scan someone to change their team) Heal & Reload when you kill Make whoever shoots you fly 1000m in the air When they spawn, make 'em glow The Spiderman (Teleport attacker 100m above what he shot)