Hi There! It was in the early part of 2001 that I came across this website that featured cop-like skins for SS. The person that was hosting the site turned out to be an actual California Highway Patrolman, who fell in love with SS. Unfortunately I can no longer find this site, nor recall what it was called. For some reason I didn't even download the skins at that time...hmmmm...(Scratching my head). Anyway, at a later part of 2001, at WONswap, I came across some cop-like skins done by someone else. They were all white with the red, and the blue, and the gold stripes. I wanted to make my own ImpPD skins, and copied the same basic idea. Yes, I admit, I was using someone else's idea but I wanted to do my own skins in my own style. Even though my skins look similar, at a glance, to those at WONswap. My styling makes a big noticeable difference. And no, I did not download the ones at WONswap. Over time, I had revised these skins to the point that they no longer appear the way they did originally. All these skins were done in MSPaint. Blackhawk