Starsiege Maps (preview links coming soon)

          A collection of maps by the Birds of Prey.          Campaign maps from the single-player campaign.          Sky's City on the Edge maps.
          The Defenders of Earth's map pack.          A deathmatch map, which is also good for a team deathmatch.
          A deathmatch map.
          A deathmatch map based on a campaign mission.
          A deathmatch map.
           A deathmatch map.
          A collection of maps by the Dragon's Elite.
          The Elimination game type where only one team stands.
          The King of the Hill game type (second version).
          A campaign done by the Men in Black.
          A map pack done by the Men in Black.
          A multiplayer campaign.
          A second campaign for multiplayer.
          The Ragnarok maps, which include different terrains and tactics.                          Caution: other players must have this installed for multiplayer.
          A map pack created by Raxon.          Some team deathmatch maps created by Bio-illogical.          Some team deathmatch maps by Green Demon and Bio-illogical.          Some team deathmatch snowtunnel's maps created by Trogan.          A virtual reality terrain for a template to create your own terrain.                           Caution: other players must have this installed for multiplayer.