Today I have added several new pages to the website under the database section with content soon to be added. Under the home section, I have created a content page for user-submitted content. Please feel free to use it! I love the feedback! Plus, I have figured out how to embed sounds into the pages. For instance, the home section's "Fire at will! Free Mars!" embedded sound. I have also started to upload files for the download sections instead of using a link to the SkyDrive.
I have added some more images to the download sections.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Have a great time with family and friends!
Today, I have been tweaking the website a bit by editing the text and adding some images to the site to spruce it up. Also, I have been thinking of adding a Starsiege page to this website. For instance, it could have a little history about the game on the main page and then an installation subpage for how to install or download the game.
After finishing the new Mist skin for the Adjudicator, I have started working on the Executioner Mist skin now. The head is finished. However, I still have the legs and the feet to do with a final cleanup afterward. Also, I have added captions to the gallery pictures.
I have created a new Paragon Sect website today. Plus, I have finished a new Adjudicator skin design, which I still have yet to come up with a good name for it. Here is a picture of it.